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Sunday, February 20, 2011

Totally awesome: NME

In Unit 5 at 3rd of ESO, we are working with cultural passions.

Music must be one of the most common, and the NME, the New Musical Express, is the oldest running weekly magazine covering all that matters in pop and rock music.

Go to their website to be up to date in all the gossip and news related to your favourite groups and those who will be big soon...

Environmental veterans: Greenpeace

In Unit 5 at 4th of ESO, we are dealing with global issues and the environment.

Here is a link to Greenpeace, a non-profit organization which has been dealing with these issues for many years and are an international reference when it comes to environmental affairs.

If you visit their web, you will certainly find many interesting reads. Go check it out.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Information about EOI certifications

For our Wednesday students and for anyone else that could be interested, here is the link to the web of the Escoles Oficials d'Idiomes de Catalunya.

On the left you will find a menu, which makes navigation very easy. Here are the points you might be interested in:

Good luck!